The Center for Information and Technological Management (CIGET), invites you to participate in the Business Risk Management Course, this course aims to publicize the main risks that organizations must face, and provide conceptual and methodological content for determine how to treat and integrate them through an Enterprise Risk Management (ERM).

The objectives of this training program are:

• • Publicize integrated risk management systems and their implementation in organizations.
   • • Develop skills and capacities, both personal and group, to understand and properly manage risks.
   • • Provide a broad vision of the risks that an organization may have to face, as well as ways to manage and control them.
   • • Provide methodological tools and international standards used for risk identification, evaluation and management.

For inquiries or to request the workshop in a personalized way, contact:

Yamiles Martínez Toledo
Commercial CIGET PR
Telephone: 48 754655

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