To request this service, the interested party will appear at the Commercial Office of the corresponding locality, with the Electric Company having up to 30 business days after requesting the service to carry out the installation.

This service is provided at no cost. The client will provide the following document:

• Receipt for the current month duly paid.

For the request of any of these services, the interested party will appear at the Commercial Office of the corresponding locality with no less than ten (10) calendar days in advance of the need for the service. The client will provide the following documents:
• I.D.
• For the address of the property in question it will be detailed:
o Street and Number, if it does not have a number, detail whether the sidewalk is even or odd numbered.
o Name of the between streets.
o Ground or high floor, passage and number or letter of the apartment, as appropriate.
o In rural areas, the name or number of the road and the number of the kilometer and / or name of the farm where the property is located will be reported.
• Presentation of the suitable document that proves that the applicant is in legal possession of the property. Any of the following documents is accepted:
o Property deed or home title deed.
o Free permanent usufruct certificate.
o Certificate of habitable issued by the corresponding Housing Directorate.
o Permission to repair the premises or home. Provisional electrical service will be provided and processed by provisional service for construction.
o Resolution of transfer or recognition of rights dictated by the Ministry of Justice.
o Exchange resolution.
o Contract with the body that owns the property granting usufruct to the service applicant.
o Authorization for the construction or occupation of a house issued by the competent body in that area: ANAP, Popular Power, Cooperative and Hydropower.
Receipt for the current month, duly paid (for service requests for Cancellation, Breakdown or Transfer).
Registrations for existing homes
Any person to whom a home is delivered must appear at the Commercial Office located in the area of ​​said property to make the corresponding service request.
Registration due to reconnection (more than 30 days after termination)
This case is given new service treatment.
Cancellations may occur at the request of the client or ordered by the Commercial Office, for abandonment of the service or for non-compliance with the payment of the account.
The cancellations requested by the clients can be definitive or temporary and in all cases the final account is collected, obtaining an estimated consumption between the date of the last reading and the cancellation request date.
In the case of transfers or swaps, the client must appear at the Commercial Office to request the service.

Changes in the name of the service owner or the CEE
Place or change of the electric energy meter: The change of CEE (electric energy meter) for increase or decrease of capacity can be requested by the client or by order of the inspectors. To request this service, the interested party will appear at the Commercial Office of the corresponding town with no less than ten (10) calendar days in advance of the need for the service.
In this term, the Electric Company will inspect the site to determine the possibility of carrying out the work, informing the client, through a "Notice from the Electric Company", of the results of the inspection.
The client will provide the following document:
• Receipt of the current month properly
For the change of place of the electric energy meter a fixed fee of 6.00 CUP is charged, which is paid in the Commercial Office when the service is requested.
The causes that originate a change in the EEC ordered by the inspectors are:
• Defective CEE
• inadequate CEE
• CEE burned or broken
From Name of the owner of the electric service: It consists in the transfer, to another natural person, of the ownership of the contract in the event of change of home ownership, divorce, death or permanent absence from the national territory. This service has no cost and for your request the interested party will appear at the Commercial Office of the corresponding town.
The client will provide the following documents:
• I.D.
• Presentation of the suitable document that proves that the applicant is in legal possession of the property. Any of the following documents is accepted:
o Property deed or home title deed.
o Free permanent usufruct certificate.
o Certificate of habitable issued by the corresponding Housing Directorate.
o Permission to repair the premises or home. Provisional electrical service will be provided and processed by provisional service for construction.
o Resolution of transfer or recognition of rights dictated by the Ministry of Justice.
o Exchange resolution.
o Contract with the body that owns the property granting usufruct to the service applicant.
o Authorization for the construction or occupation of a house issued by the competent body in that area: ANAP, Popular Power and Cooperative.
o Receipt for the current month duly paid.

To provide you with the electric power service again, the interested party must appear in person at our commercial offices. For debt reconnections, the interested party will pay the outstanding balance and the cost for reconnection with a fixed rate of 3.00 CUP. The client will provide the following document:

• Receipt for the current month duly paid.

  • Submitting a Claim and Processing It +

    Clients may report a property damage complaint within three (3) working days of the event occurrence in the following ways: Read More
  • Temporary Services +

    Temporary services are considered to be those whose contracting period is less than 90 days. Two types of contingent services Read More
  • Request for Electric Power Supply +

    To make a request for electric power supply the customer must be submitted to the Commercial Office of the relevant Read More
  • Additions, Deletions, Relocations, Name and CEE Changes in the Residential Sector +

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  • Registrations, cancellations, transfers, name changes and CEE in the residential sector +

    For the request of any of these services, the interested party will appear at the Commercial Office of the corresponding Read More
  • Electric service reconnection +

    To provide you with the electric power service again, the interested party must appear in person at our commercial offices. Read More
  • Installation of the 220 Volt Electric Service +

    To request this service, the interested party will appear at the Commercial Office of the corresponding locality, with the Electric Read More
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