Application for subsidy to carry out constructive actions in housing

Requirements: Family nuclei and cohabitants with lack of economic solvency, protected or not by Social Assistance, who are willing to solve their housing problem by their own efforts.

Priorities: Families affected by natural catastrophes (cyclones, floods, landslides, fires and others considered as such) whose damage classifies as total or partial loss of the dwelling, fundamentally those cases that are in an advanced state of execution. Critical social cases, particularly those aimed at eradicating vulnerable housing conditions. Families or persons who need to solve obstructions and hydrosanitary leaks.

Application for the subsidy is made to the Municipal Housing Office in the Proceeding Department.

Applications for subsidies from natural persons will not be processed when this is to carry out actions in:

. Homes located in foci or unhealthy neighborhoods, and

. Housing granted in rent, and rooms belonging to the state fund, if the subsidy action will be granted to carry out conservation actions only of the built and inside the property.

The application must contain the following information:

. Full name of the applicant, identity card, home address and place of location.

. Description of the actions that intends to carry out.

. Willingness of the person to carry out constructive actions by his own effort.

The applicant will have to show the document that accredits the ownership as:

. Owner, usufructuary or lessee of the property.

. Cessation of the roof use.

. Ownership of the land or area perpetual right.

NOTE: In the case of those affected by meteorological events (total collapse) and critical cases that do not have ownership of land their applications are accepted at the processing offices, and once approved the subsidy, the payment of this is included in the amount of the subsidy.

The files are submitted by the Municipal Housing Director to the Administrative Council, within fifteen (15) working days from the date of receipt of the application, until it provides for the completion of the date of receipt of Municipal Labour Office.


Administrative housing exchanges (Norma Jurídica Resolución No. V001/2014 Art. 57 and following).

The Municipal Housing Director of the place where the property is located, determines exchange applications involving houses, rooms and accessories (no linked dwelling or houses belong to entities). The exchange right corresponds to the owner, without being able to oppose people who reside with him and do not hold the same legal concept.

It proceeds in the cases:

. In those cases where, at least one of the involved in the exchange is a tenant or usufructuary, or between any of them among themselves.

. Those promoted by a tenant of the state house, in order to make cohabitants independent, as long as it solves a social or humanitarian problem.

Litigation and other right claims (Norma Jurídica Ley General de la Vivienda Art. 130 et seq.).

The Municipal Housing Office is responsible for litigation and right claims regarding the housing ownership when the document is issued by corresponding administrative authorities, according to Chapter XV of the General Housing Law (State-owned housing), as well as those relating to housing without status and rooms. When promoting them, it is contributed:

- Written application.
- Document and other evidences could be shown
- A stamp of $ 10.00.

The written request must contain all the issues that motivate the procedure and consequently a copy must be provided for each person against whom the claim is directed for the purpose of transferring the proceedings to them to answer the request.

Are not competence of the Housing System:

. Issues related to housing rights and neighbourhood relations in general, which are dealt with directly by the Popular Courts.

. Disputes and right claims related to the house property that is accredited with judicial or notarial documents, including the obligatory house exchanges and divisions, which are competence of the Courts.

. Disputes and claims of house right around wasteland plots, perpetual surface right and measures and boundaries, which are the competence of the Municipal Physical Planning Office.


Transfer of housing ownership if the owner dies. (Norma Jurídica Ley General de la Vivienda Art. 78).

If upon the death of the owner there are no heirs, or they renounce the inheritance, and the dwelling has been permanently occupied by other persons, the property will be transferred to the State.

Persons who, if they own another permanent residence dwelling, occupied the same with the consent of the previous owner, for at least five (5) years before their death, may request the transfer of the property in the Municipal Housing Directorate.

The request is made in writing and must contain:

Written application.
Certification of death of the owner
Evidence of occupation of the dwelling for five (5) years prior to the death of the owner.
Stamp worth $10.00.

Transfer of the property to onerous usufructuaries, legitimate occupants and tenants (Norma Jurídica Resolution No. V00/2014, Art. 16 et seq.).

The request for transfer of property is made in writing and must contain:

Generals of the applicants, or their representatives as the case may be.
Pretension, form of acquisition and facts on which it is based.
Address of the dwelling.

Name of spouse, proceeds

Relationship of cohabitants, relationship and date of occupation.
If you are up to date in the payment of the dwelling, if applicable.
Stamp for a value of $ 10.00.