It is considered an exceptional situation for which the service request is made, when the following circumstances occur:
   1. The responsibility carried out by the worker is relevant for the economic, scientific or social development of the country.
   2. He is the only cohabitant of the person with a disability and does not have siblings or other obligated relatives.

The Abra: It is a recreational complex located to some five kilometers of New Gerona, it offers good food Creole, excellent service and it has park for nautical activities. Ideal for the family.

Pizzería The Gondola: Specialized in Italian food and it is located in street 35 between 28 and 30, New Gerona.

The Galleon: Specialized in Caribbean food, Cuban, Italian and Barbecue; it is located in street 24 #4510, New Gerona.

Good View 39: Specialized in International food, Barbecue, Cuban, Italian, Caribbean, Latin, Mediterranean, Spanish; it is located in Walk Martí #2416, New Gerona.

Island of the Treasure: Specialized in Cuban and Caribbean food; it is located in street 24 between 43 and 45 #4310, New Gerona.

It is only granted to older adults or people with disabilities who live alone, without family members obliged to provide help or living with others, and who are bedridden or with restricted mobility.

The provision of the service may be evaluated in nuclei made up of more than one cohabitant, if they all have severe disabilities or disabling diseases and they do not have forced relatives.

Requirements to be met by the worker who occupies the position of Social Worker at Home are:

1. Maintain adequate social and moral conduct.

2. Accredited medical certificate, stable health status, absence of risky pathologies and a history of psychiatric disorders.

3. Over 18 years old.



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