Procedures and Services

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Review Procedure

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- Written request for Review Procedure with a stamp of $ 5.00 MN and as many copies as parts are, recording the date of filing and who received it.

- Registry File.

- Registry of  summons to all parties, which when submitting their writing must accompany the stamp of $ 5.00 MN.

- New verifications and investigations carried out in which the practices of the evidence proposed by the parties must be recorded.

- New opinion of the President of the CCS and the Board of Directors.

- New opinion of the ANAP President  at provincial and municipal level on the Review procedure.

- Criterion of the ANAP President   at the national level.

- Legal opinion on the request for review procedure, to be approved by the Director or Head of Provincial Department of Land Control and the Head of the Legal Department.

  • Informed opinion of the Provincial Delegate or Director of Agriculture addressed to the Minister.
  • In case of contradiction, analyze in the Provincial Agrarian Commission and incorporate a copy of the minutes to the file or certification of the agreement.
  • Resolution of the Minister.
  • Preserving, foliarizing and indexing the incorporated documents and updating the procedure sheet.
  • Notification to all parties.
  • Payment to ONAT if the inheritance is awarded to new heirs.
  • Record of Inscription to proceed.

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