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The Center for Information and Technological Management (CIGET), invites you to participate in the Business Risk Management Course, this course aims to publicize the main risks that organizations must face, and provide conceptual and methodological content for determine how to treat and integrate them through an Enterprise Risk Management (ERM).

The objectives of this training program are:

• • Publicize integrated risk management systems and their implementation in organizations.
   • • Develop skills and capacities, both personal and group, to understand and properly manage risks.
   • • Provide a broad vision of the risks that an organization may have to face, as well as ways to manage and control them.
   • • Provide methodological tools and international standards used for risk identification, evaluation and management.

For inquiries or to request the workshop in a personalized way, contact:

Yamiles Martínez Toledo
Commercial CIGET PR
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Telephone: 48 754655

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The FMC offers training courses through the Women and Family Orientation Houses in each municipality. Its objective is to train, prepare women and men in certain trades, with or without an employment relationship and self-employed, offering them useful knowledge that will allow them, if they wish, to enter work and / or solve everyday problems.

For this work we have a staff that collaborates voluntarily and willingly, who are professionals from various disciplines, making up the work team.

Approved training programs:

Program type                         Tuition cost           Duration             Frequency
Hairdresser                               $ 25.00                   1 month            12 h / weekly
Makeup                                     $ 25.00                   1 month            12 h / weekly
Barbershop                               $ 25.00                   1 month            12 h / weekly
Typing                                        $ 25.00                  1 month             12 h / weekly
Digituncture                             $ 25.00                   1 month             12 h / weekly
Languages ​​                               $ 25.00                   3 months            12 h / weekly
Crafts                                        $ 25.00                   1 month               12 h / weekly
Cinematographic, Musical
and Plastic Arts
Appreciation.                           $ 25.00                   1 month                  12 h / weekly
Massages                                  $ 25.00                   1 month                  12 h / weekly
Fabrics                                       $ 25.00                   1 month                  12 h / weekly
Computing                                $ 25.00                   1 month                  12 h / weekly
(only where authorized
by ACCS)                                    $ 25.00                   1 month                  12 h / week
Yoga                                           $ 25.00                   1 month                  12 h / weekly
Aerobic Gymnastics                 $ 25.00                   1 month                 12 h / weekly
Goldsmith                                  $ 25.00                   1 month                 12 h / weekly
Cutting and Sewing                 $ 25.00                    1 month                 12 h / weekly
Minor wax repair                     $ 25.00                    1 month                 12 h / weekly
Florist                                         $ 25.00                    1 month                 12 h / weekly
Clothing culture                        $ 25.00                   1 month                 12 h / weekly
Decoration                                 $ 25.00                   1 month                 12 h / weekly
Manicure                                    $ 25.00                   1 month                 12 h / weekly
Tai Chi                                         $ 25.00                   1 month                 12 h / weekly
Transit Law No .109                  $ 25.00                  1 month                  12 h / weekly
Photography                              $ 25.00                  1 month                  12 h / weekly
Baking                                         $ 25.00                   1 month                 12 h / weekly
Culinary art                                $ 25.00                   1 month                 12 h / weekly
Lunch                                          $ 25.00                   1 month                 12 h / weekly
Viniculture                                 $ 25.00                   1 month        12 h / weekly
Spelling                                         $ 25.00                  1 month                 12 h / weekly
Carpentry                                   $ 25.00                   1 month                12 h / weekly
Executive Secretary                  $ 25.00                   1 month                12 h / weekly
Commercial management       $ 25.00                   1 month                12 h / weekly
Nutrition and food hygiene     $ 25.00                   1 month                12 h / weekly
Quality of services and
 business management             $ 25.00                   1 month               12 h / weekly
Business intelligence                 $ 25.00                   1 month               12 h / weekly
Foundations for quality
 in elderly care                            $ 25.00                   1 month               12 hours / week
Animation knowledge               $ 25.00                   1 month                12 h / weekly
Music Equipment Operator      $ 25.00                  1 month                12 h / weekly
Foundations for
 quality childcare                       $ 25.00                   1 month                 12 hours / week
Administration Items                $ 25.00                   1 month                 12 h / weekly
Basic knowledge
 on Horticulture                         $ 25.00                   1 month                 12 h / weekly

At the end of each Program, participants will receive a certificate that certifies that they have received the training. This will be delivered at the end of the Program and will be signed by the General Secretary of the municipality and the collaborator of the COMF that taught it.

Contacts of the Women and Family Orientation Houses


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That is why organizations need continuous, solid and powerful environmental management. In this scenario, the ISO 14001: 2015 Standard is located, one of the most used standards in the world for environmental management that has been adapted, revised and renewed to offer solutions to current challenges.

The objective of this course is to contribute to environmental management in the company. It is organized in two fundamental themes:

Topic 1: Introduction to environmental management

Topic 2: Design and implementation of an environmental management system

For more information consult:
Yamilé Martínez Toledo, Commercial Specialist: E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Rosa Agnelys Hernández Rodríguez, Course Professor
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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As part of the activities of the celebration program for the 38th Anniversary of the Natural History Museum, it will be held on March 24, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. the exchange workshop on floristic values ​​in the Patio Room of the Natural History Museum. "Tranquilino Sandalio de Noda", with the leadership of the MSc. Tamara Abrante Hernández. Associate Researcher at the Natural History Museum and Dr.C. Freddy Delgado Fernández. ECOVIDA Assistant Researcher.

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