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The award is exceptional, based on serious situations of health, disability or lack of income due to the impossibility of working.

The resources are marketed at unsubsidized prices in retail trade units, subordinated to the retail trade companies, from having the financing in the plan for their acquisition, and may also use merchandise from abandonment, seizures and discards. of tourism.

The form of payment will be, using the following modalities:

  to. By checks, between companies charged to the Social Assistance budget.
  b. Cash payment by the beneficiary.

When the insufficient income of the family nucleus to buy the resources is demonstrated, a monetary cash benefit is granted, equivalent to the partial or total value of its sale price.

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In order to improve the quality of life of a group of patients who suffer from chronic diseases and require, as part of their treatment, the use of air conditioning, lighting and other equipment, the procedure set forth in communication RS 1254 issued by the Ministry of Finance and Prices of September 4, 2007.

The procedure for the evaluation, granting and control of protection involves the participation of the Ministry of Public Health, the Electric Union and the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, whose specific functions are contained in the procedures manual for Prevention, Assistance and Work. Social.

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The municipal work directorates apply, in the requests that are formulated for the payment of a nursing home or grandparents' house, the norms for the granting, execution and control established for the rest of the Social Assistance benefits.

The approval of the service corresponds, according to the rate established by the MINSAP, when the following requirements are met:

   1. Older adults living alone.
   2. Lack of income.
   3. They do not have obligated relatives in a position to provide help.

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The payment of the service has an amount of $ 45.00 per month for each beneficiary, regardless of the type of dining room or unit where they receive the service.

The means of payment used is the checkbook, with coupons corresponding to the months entitled to your enjoyment. It is collected by the beneficiary at the corresponding payment center, being responsible for paying the dining room or unit, the cost of food in cash. 

   1. Be linked to the food service and make stable use of it.
   2. Not having economic income to pay for the service or that is insufficient.
   3. Lack of obligated families able to provide help.

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