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The Administration Council is chaired by the Mayor and consists of 5 program and objective coordinators, a secretary and representatives of companies and entities in the territory for a total of 21 members.




Adiel Morera  Macías


Coordinator of Programs and Objectives that he/she assists the Defense: Eulise Terrero Rivera

Coordinator of Programs and Objectives that he/she assists Food: Orlando Pupo Zaragoza

Coordinator of programs and objectives that Transporte: Wilber assists Benítez Perdomo

Coordinator of programs and objectives that he/she assists the Constructions: Santiago Álvarez Dacal

Coordinator of programs and objectives that he/she assists the Economy

Secretary of the CAM: Leónides Blond Gentleman



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The fundamental mission is to achieve the economic and social development of the territory, assisting to the general objectives of the country, acting as coordinating entity between the central structures of the State and the municipalities, for that which will contribute to the harmonization of the local and national interests.

The Provincial Council belongs a collegiate and deliberative organ that will complete the functions foreseen in the Constitution and the Laws, with the decisions for the favorable vote to most of its members.

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It is the local superior organ of the power of the State, and, consequently, it is vested with the highest authority for the exercise of the state functions in this demarcation and for it, within the framework of its competence, and in accordance with the law, it exercises government.

In addition, it contributes to the development of activities and the fulfillment of the plans of the units established in the territory that are not subordinate to it, in accordance with the provisions of the law.

The Local Administration of the Assembly directs the economic, production and service entities of local subordination, with the purpose of satisfying the economic, health and other needs of an assistance, educational, cultural, sports and recreational nature of the territory.

For the exercise of its functions, the Local Assembly of People's Power relies on the Popular Councils and on the initiative and broad participation of the population and acts in close coordination with the mass and social organizations.

The Popular Councils are constituted in cities, towns, neighborhoods, towns and rural areas; they are vested with the highest authority for the performance of their functions; they represent the demarcation where they operate and at the same time they are representatives of the organs of the municipal, provincial and national Popular Power.

They actively work for the efficiency in the development of production and service activities and for the satisfaction of the assistance, economic, educational, cultural and social needs of the population, promoting their greater participation and local initiatives for the solution of their problems.

They coordinate the actions of the existing entities in their area of ​​action, promote cooperation between them and exercise control and supervision of their activities.

The Popular Councils are constituted from the delegates elected in the constituencies, who must choose among them who presides over them. Representatives of the mass organizations and of the most important institutions in the demarcation may belong to them.

Composition of the Municipal Assembly of People's Power

Liván Fuentes Álvarez



Mariolis Pérez Domínguez




Mariolis Pérez Domínguez





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Health, Sport and Environment Commission

Service Attention Commission

Committee on Economic Affairs

Agrifood Commission

Committee on Local Organizations

Commission on Education, Culture, Science and Technology

Committee on Defence, Legality and Internal Order

Committee on Industry and Construction


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